
When you need to de-clutter, the last thing you need are a lot of toolbars, or as i call them, Toolbards. They aim to help, but distract when we get lost in buttons. Sometimes, there are days when the HTML5 format has me going “this is super ferrari awesome”, and days when on iOS 7, i go: wait that icon is now lost in some box because of the “slippery scroll”, and i have to go to step 1 all over again. (I realise this blog might not be a github/ dev-rant page that i should be posting this to instead, but i have a point, promise.) I need a more cognitive evolution that i recognise as “evolved” - meaning soothingly transfers me from pain to comfort to pleasure. Think there is a path that the OSX wants to track us towards - to a more device-friendly evolutionary iOS for everything gone mobile. But i don’t think as a macbook lover, i can easily make that non-touch transfer just yet - it’s not just the screen control versus keyboard argument anymore, rather a user transference which helps us when we can cognitively create boundaries for these interfaces with the actual device: iPad therefore i swipe.

I am Learning stuff on Learnist, the button i am switched on with right now. (My alexa of 2011, and my amazon of hmm, evs.) It is very interesting, layout-wise. The whole signup on-boarding issue still has me twisted up in knots. If you’re going to OAuth something with a Facebook or a Twitter, and the user has the same email address, therefore IP, but creates two very different profile stages - the confusion sets in to which board it will ‘learn’ to. I think the user, and her ‘learning posse’ aka followers, are on the losing end in this case. I have both signed up using the Twitter and the Facebook connects, and now confuse the two boards, imagine if i actually had the same picture to identify me in All my social platforms?

Will that make things better?


Now read this

the mad dash to oh, wow.

I have never been appalled at the number of people who are still affected and concerned about academic upgrades, or work status, or career expansions, or what is it that you do, since like, (oh joy) high school. What the heck is up with... Continue →