
What’s a nation built for samurais and warriors with fleets of paper trail digitally handling the rise of the multi-million dollar idea ecosystem? There are ideas, and there are the platforms and places to dot the i’s, circle the o’s, and cross the t’s. So far, word has it that these agreements, and ordinarily the episodes that forward the thoughts that formulate and seal, the mere jots on paper might be the only trail that exists long after the signees / signatory/ idea-owners are long gone.

When we have them - these fleeting electrodes passing through the mylar cavity of what is our brain on a real-time drip dosage of life, the only witnesses are the actual brave pages you have imprinted yourself upon. So step back: yourself is defined as the collective of paper/ digital footprints? Some pseudo existentialists might quickly up in arms on that thought, and find that our real-time existence depend upon the fact that we think and converse, and possibly today, are apprehended with attention. People see you, people talk to you, the exchanges occur with you at the other end. People do not simply mire and gussy and treat you as some “asset” or formulaic page-turning pawn in their big-global games.

You are your own person. You own these thoughts, these places that you’ve gone, the memories, and most importantly, the very ideas - whether they are summoned by your very role that earns you a living, or a coffee - that define the actual You. The collective is just a series of planetary alignments that let you put those thoughts out there, and combined with time, actually been able to exist/ subsist quietly to enlist you in the common thread of creation.

I suppose with that in mind, we can actually say a very low graceful bow of gratitude in thanks to the powers that be, and signify this intention, the will to have let you live against your begrudging state, or self-ingratiating circumstance, actually did. To have lived this long responding to generation after generation’s query and problems, and being part of the whole process of evolution - whether through procreative or actuation or ideation - we move things along, and there’s our signature along with it, not knowing why or how or when it will actually be dug up by some actuarial scientist taking account of our modal lives for the future distribution of precious O2 packets.

To be able to have a democratic say on what stays, what goes, in your life, is a thing of beauty, and power, and self-effaced trust. We all have a spoken or unspoken way of living up our ideals: legendary martyrdom land their stories in books, academic feats in journals, disciplined athletes heralded in olympic medallion gold, wives strung in pearls, visionaries in canvasses, masterful chefs in palates and pages of reviews, and even the humble newborn’s unique feet encased in enamel booties & stamp imprints on their proud mothers’ books, days after it was born. That’s the footprint that we all aim to have and hold, and others to share and spy, when we know that even in our little corners of the world, against all the odds & wrought what nature had given us, we know we existed. How can you be thankful? Leave the table that anchors you, and live the life you are meant to, and take note of it.

Me, I guess i do a little thank you dance.


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I get really excited with clean, simple design that speaks directly to you. Like all designs, the shape and form that the immediate surroundings take in your hands, are more far-reaching than writing descriptively for hours. When i get... Continue →