the mad dash to oh, wow.  

I have never been appalled at the number of people who are still affected and concerned about academic upgrades, or work status, or career expansions, or what is it that you do, since like, (oh joy) high school.

What the heck is up with that? If i were to say “oh, i am a blogger”, does it merit a look up and down as if i were some worm that crawled out of the topsoil of the earth? Is “content uploader” not written on resumes? Is “writer” a dirty dirty word? I was tempted to say, “i am no one, a nobody, a vessel of some up yours of a genetic aberration that the great omega sent down to annoy people”. I wasn’t too worried about the up and down - having been in some of the best (read sometimes as “snobby”) schools meant that i was impervious to them. But having encountered it now, in an entrepreneurial age of enlightenment, even to this day & age, is downright funny.

I guess the rapid reaction corners the stage to what i am becoming - an economic apptivist, who makes perfect sense of who you are, and if it’s viable in theory, then finding a way to apply this would reduce the demoralising state of un-grace, or disrupt the way we look at the very distaste of debilitating definitions & stranded dictates of tradition.

Without the proper Maps to Life, or as my startup is curating, the “Life Baedekers”, sometimes, it’s best to: “Think Alicia” and say “What-ever”. The context, which might be lost to some, is expressed quite exponentially for example, in the feeling of release of having won, for example: 1) the girl or boy of your dreams, 2) a million trillion passes to roller-coaster rides for life, 3) free passes to the cinema - or think of something that you extremely fancy doing _________ and multiply that by ten (x 10), and that is what the expression embodies implicitly in this iconic teen-y 8-letter word.

So, some writers do ease that pain. Writers explicably emote what the smileys within 240 characters can’t. Writers envision the world with you, and maybe tell it well. So don’t knock them. They mean well, and they will be your friend, maybe rub out the bad words that might do your business badly, maybe sharpen the words that make your customers buy more or try more, and definitely give your pitch that zingy end to clinch you that million dollar deal. So strategise with them well, treat them to coffee, and be fair. Because the world of writers isn’t that great, nor spit-easy. Words are hard to sieve, (and to conceive) especially if it entails needing to move people into proper action, or author a focussed white research paper that answers to the lack of technology know-how - so it’s good to take the wordsmiths’ love for life to a cheeky tale spin, roll with them well so they can potentially turn your business around, and whip you up some of that precious golden cherry on top. Or the bird that gets the loam-enriched worm.

Social media is a platform best trolled by writers, a.k.a the influencers, but also that it is kept afloat with the best intent, ironically, and not “whatever” but actually with a pretty thought-out process. Being clueless at this point will not a campaign make. Although, the best initiatives are the ones brought about by the understudy, the one with heart, and meekly with an untiring passion. Connecting with people is hard enough without the misdirection of the wrong words on platform, the joie de vivre that may be misread as offensive bravado, and at best, life will be invisibly guided along, and alas, we can catch its nuances for ourselves. Make time. Write it. Shake. And upload. Tick.


Now read this


I get really excited with clean, simple design that speaks directly to you. Like all designs, the shape and form that the immediate surroundings take in your hands, are more far-reaching than writing descriptively for hours. When i get... Continue →