Super • Serendipity

Sometimes life can be a little impossible. Today, it just dawns on me, that life is more than impossible, it was not meant to be. If you see all the little details and string the how-can-that-be, it just wasn’t at all probable that we are living and breathing and growing by the day.

Why are we eating at most on a meager salary that compounds our mounting senselessness? And allowing this little detail of poverty and sordid acceptance of the circumstance that we live in as building entrepreneurs with the limited resource of only the 24 hours to build, eat, write, succinctly edit, mash-up, drill-down, cook, bake, socialise, events-drive, Facebook, network, tweet, influence, harpoon down the improbabilities of funnelling funds from another business, and avoiding all the different diversions of having circumspect consultative team, only reachable by Skype, or Whatsapp or iMessage. And allow this to eat at the already-abominable insecurity that chafes at our already scaled-out dry lizard skin - all this just doesn’t add up to life ever becoming, or at the eventuality of it at all surviving the waterless soil that it happened to have perched on, from the humble seedling on & upwards.

Could it be that the topsoil is fertile? That the very contact to it when landing upon impact has given it that spark and sun, and in no time actually given a battery of a life that sustains it through day in and day out. Was that enough, that memory of a life, versus actually living one in translational actuality? When you build, you need to be swathed in hothouse, and harness the warmth from the sun (other startups, maybe the collective community gathered), the carbon dioxide that is recycled within the receptacles (solid co-working infrastructure), and hone the very dynamic ability that creates the super-feed that will be generous enough to polarise and distribute that solar energy very efficiently up to the veined tendrils at every instance of growth.

Here’s to the gather, and with every soma cell & solar panel upturned and in place, ready for receiving the timely grains of thought that quell hunger. And may the sown be strengthened, guided and be rooted to the edicts that hold you steady for the take off, takeaways and the cycle back.


Now read this

The 5-minute pitch.

Writing it, and pitching it in a lift, or anywhere else. Sometimes, after your 5-10 pages are written in fire, edited in coal, and solidified with amber, your idea has up and run off with another. So, tracking the pathway to speed, and... Continue →